Day Four was more than we could have ever imagined — in so many ways. It was our longest, most trying, and at the same time precious and revealing day. We’re going to break the day up into several different blog posts as our team continues to process everything. We’re starting today with reflections from our medical clinic at Sanyu Babies Home, a Christian organization taking care of abandoned babies.
From Kourtney:
I went into this clinic thinking there’s so much need, but it was greater than my imagination could fathom. So much need and not enough time. Doing medical work in a country where you feel like your not even making a dent, but then the Lord reveals that He is already at work… I’m stepping into something that is being set before me- I’m invited to the party. At Sanyu Babies Home there are 50 little ones under that age of 4 yrs old. To say my heart exploded when I walked in that first day would be an understatement. Babies reaching for you, snotty noses being rubbed on your shoulder, and being able to give them love for those few hours, a hug and a kiss? How blessed am I to be invited into this work and the Lord’s plan for these babies lives.
We saw and assessed all the babies, gave them multivitamins, some pain and flu medicine, diagnosed, and ordered prescriptions from the Dr. on site. In 3 hours we had seen all 50 babes and a few of the staff’s babies. You read these charts with the heart wrenching stories of how these babies got to Sanyu, and want nothing more than to never put them down and in the same way God never lets us go, we are in the palm of His hand, His plan is greater than ours. His plan for redemption and restoration goes beyond anything that we can grasp. God has a plan for these 50 babies He is holding them tightly, with a plan for redemption in-store. When I return to Uganda… I can’t wait to see what God is doing in this home.